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Our Passion

The Szent Imre Group of the Szent Gellért Foundation from Szentegyháza (Romania, Transylvania) has been playing open-air Passion of the Christ around Easter time since 2010. The members of the Group - 40-50 persons - are Hungarian pupils, students, workers who take part voluntarily in the Passion Play to bring the story of the redemption closer to the human hearts.


The more than 35-minute performance is built on pantomime and music with: the first station when Jesus comes into Jerusalem; the last supper and the scenes from the Olive Mount; arresting Jesus; Peter's denial; Pilate's judgement; Veronica wiping Jesus' cheek; carrying the cross; the death on the cross. In the second chapter of the performance we continue with: Jesus' ressurrection; meeting Mary Magdalene and the apostles and Thomas. It ends with the assumption of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

About us


Our goal is to educate the youth (the persons)  in Christian spirit and offer deep spiritual experience to the viewer.

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